
My artwork features complex patterns and forms made by an accumulation of hand drawn marks. Each new mark is applied in response to the previous one and so on. For each piece I set up a starting condition and devise a set of rules, which are much like algorithms, that limit what and how forms develop. Beginning a piece is a moment of unlimited potential and the final results are often unexpected, which I find extremely exciting. I use this emergent process regardless of the media I choose, and I typically make drawings, prints, and paintings closely related to the artistic tradition of geometric abstraction. 

As I work, I force myself to slow down and consider each moment in the present. This allows me to contemplate a myriad of influences and integrate them both intentionally and unconsciously in the placement of the marks. Some of these influences come specifically from science, math, and information technology, but more generally from my innate curiosity about the fundamental aspects of existence. I am a conduit through which the forces of nature flow, and the artwork is a record.